Sunday, March 13, 2011

Date Night!!!

Wes had his annual orthopeadic bowling party that we have never been able to make except for this year we did! Our first night out alone since having Chace and it was so much fun to go on a date! We bowled the night away with fellow residents and some of my greatest friends out here!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun! I want to go on a double with you guys sometime! Sad we hardly ever catch eachother on the phone, but it's fun to see pretty pictures of you! Keep updating! Someday we'll get together! My sisters and Mom are going to Moab tomorrow, for the half marathon. It makes me think of you!!! We will miss you! I won't be running much of it, as I am getting more and more prego by the day! Who cares though, just walk and talk, right? Hope you are still happy little rainbow girl! Love ya!
