Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Our Summer Trip to Utah

And last but not least a trip to St George to see great grandma Jean and g-pa Kay who we are very lucky to have met baby Chace as g-ma is very fragile! And they even took us to the Pizza Factory as tradition! And Christensens of course...darling clothes there! Yep I'm thinking I might have to do this all over again next summer!


  1. Good heavens what a great vacation you had! I am so glad you got to spend so much time with your family! I hope all is well with you and I hope you're feeling better. XOXO...

    PS Chace is so handsome!

  2. Looks like you had too much fun! We need to get together now you are back!

  3. Fun! I just love Chace's smile in that first pic. I loved seeing you when you were here! Hope you are feeling better. We need to talk soon!

  4. It looks like you had a great time! And Chase is so big. I love it!

  5. Ericka: I'm thinking you need to come see all of us next summer too, or maybe sooner! We love you and Chase visiting. I've posted some pictures of you & Chase, Kim & Cooper and your mom and me. Check them out when you get a minute.
