Saturday, July 17, 2010

Little Swimming Soldier

We have been taking Chace swimming and he actually likes it! little water baby!


  1. He is a doll!! Good job stayin cool in this heat

  2. He looks like he is having fun! He'll fit right in with the family! Amy took her four little ones to our pool last night and they all jumped in (except for Meg)before Amy had a chance to stop them. So fun! I just got back from CA with Kelly on the beach with Abby. She's quite the little surfer and Wyatt won't be far to follow!

  3. What an adorable little fish!!! That first picture looks soooo much like Wes to me. Chace is growing up so fast. I'm glad you guys are finding fun things to do together. We miss you all and can't wait to see you!
